We Accept Guest Posts

Unique Content

Make sure your post is unique and is written solely for thewebaddicted.com. Don’t republish it after it goes live.


Minimum 1500 words

We only accept articles that have min. of 1500 words. The ideal guest post for us would be 1500-1800 words.


Quality Matters

Write actionable content where readers can actually learn something. Cover topics you are closely familiar with


Do's & Dont's Editorial Style Guide

Articles can be submitted using the contact form. Please pitch us a couple of topic first if you are not sure whether or not it’s a fit for us.

  • You as an author will be accredited from your bio and you can include a link back to your website/blog.
  • We don’t link back to casino, gambling, drug or any other Google sensitive websites.
  • Make sure your post is non-promotional in nature and provides valuable insight on the topic.
  • Don’t plagiarize, we respect author rights and are very strict with editorial review.
  • Make sure to use authoritative and trustworthy sources, links to low-quality websites will be stripped.
  • If you want a link from the body of your article, let’s talk.

Formatting & Grammar

Formatting Headings and Subheadings

Use an H1 header for the title of the piece. Throughout the rest of the article use subheadings of H2-H5 tags to break up sections. The article should be easy to read with impactful subheadings and short paragraphs below each heading.  Use bullet and numbered lists where necessary to also break things up. Be sure hyphenation is turned off for Word documents.  Don’t write long paragraphs – each paragraph should contain no more than 300 words, if long paragraphs are required by context, please separate the text by using H3 subheadings. Keep the introductory and closure paragraphs short, no more than 150 words

Voice and Tone

  • Write in 3rd person, never 1st person. Use a conversational tone with “you” and “we”, talk to the reader.
  • Write an approachable, easy to read article that really covers the topic.
  • Don’t use complex sentences, write simple, short but impactful sentences.
  • The intention is to add value to each topic and educate/inform with actionable tips and advice
  • The introductory paragraph should grab the readers interest, so they want to read more.
  • Don’t use long introductory paragraphs as well as long final thoughts sections