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  • Post last modified:May 4, 2022
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Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from a blog. Whether you’re promoting affiliate products, running affiliate offers through your ecommerce store, or selling affiliate membership sites, affiliate marketing is a cost-effective way of getting content in front of targeted readers and enticing them to buy.

Do you want to find the finest WordPress affiliate marketing plugins?

Maybe you’d want to hide affiliate links, keep track of clicks on your links, or provide a different means to get people to click on them.

Here are the top 9 affiliate marketing WordPress plugins for blogs

affiliate marketing

1. ThirstyAffiliates

When you’re just getting started with affiliate marketing, management is simple because there are many tools available. You post a few times here and there, but it’s nothing a little hand work can’t handle. Fast forward to when you’re managing hundreds of applications things can start to get a bit perplexing.

So, you’ll need a tool to assist you manage your affiliate links. One of the best WordPress options is ThirstyAffiliates.

ThirstyAffiliates provides a number of tools to help you manage your affiliate links. First and foremost, it reduces the length of your affiliate links. No more unsightly affiliate URLs with 30 different numbers at the end.

This plugin will also help you with running your affiliate links through a natural search engine, as well as offering other features. It includes 301 redirects and the option to globally set nofollowing all of your affiliate links. All of your affiliate links may also be opened in a new tab, and you have the option to do so for all of them.

The Biggest Affiliate Marketing Benefit of ThirstyAffiliates

If you need to update an affiliate link in the future, all you have to do is make the change in ThirstyAffiliate’s interface once. You’ll have to go through and edit each of your articles where you used that link if you don’t use a link management plugin.

Pretty Link operates on the same basis as ThirstyAffiliates. However, it does have some characteristics that set it apart from the competition.

Let’s start with the most basic things first, though. The free version allows you to create attractive affiliate links using your own domain, although some features are limited. You have three options for redirecting your affiliate links: 301, 302, and 307 redirects.

You may also apply nofollow on links automatically and set up link groups to better manage all of your affiliate connections.

Even in the free version, you’ll get performance tracking. You can see which links are being clicked on and how frequently. You may also narrow down your click statistics by IP address, location, and other factors.

In a nutshell, it extends your capabilities for analyzing and optimizing your affiliate marketing. And you’ll save time thanks to the automated link insertion and affiliate disclosure capabilities.

3. Thrive Ultimatum

No one wants to be the person who misses out on a fantastic bargain. However, if you’re providing something that is constantly available, how can you appeal to people’s desire for scarcity? Scarcity is a powerful driving force.

You may use Thrive Ultimatum to create a countdown timer for your WordPress website.

You may set a specific date for your countdown. If you set up a 2-day campaign, the countdown timer will count down from 48 hours for all of your visitors.

You may establish an Evergreen Campaign. Your countdown timer has no worldwide end date with an Evergreen campaign. Instead, each individual visitor has his or her own countdown timer.

Thrive Ultimatum can assist you with running site-wide or campaign-specific scarcity campaigns for affiliate marketing offers.

Here’s more effective function

You’re not restricted to using countdown timers on your landing page. You may also use floating notification bars or widgets in your sidebar to include countdown timers. Because readers scroll down your site, you may show them synchronized timers on different pieces of content.

By simply adding or omitting countdown timers on specific postings, pages, or categories, you may make your campaign even more interesting and unique.

4.Thrive Leads

Managing your links is an essential component of being an affiliate marketer. That’s what Thrive Leads is designed to do.

It may assist you in growing your email list first and foremost. Email lists are a fantastic method to promote relevant affiliate offers.

Thrive Leads isn’t only about list creation, though. You may also utilize the same opt-in choices to promote affiliate products.

SmartLinks is a feature of Thrive Leads and can tell whether or not a user has already joined your email list. If they haven’t signed up, the page will show them an opt-in email.

It doesn’t make sense to keep piddling away at your list if someone has already joined, so Thrive Leads’ SmartLinks feature is a useful tool for optimizing your site and affiliate marketing efforts.

5. AdRotate

AdRotate helps you display and optimize the advertisements that you run on your website. You may use it to promote affiliate offers, as well as your own advertisements for such services as AdSense and Doubleclick. In a nutshell, it’s a comprehensive advertising management solution.

You can also add your own advertisements for affiliate offers in the free version. After that, you may create a minimal schedule for the ad and pick a date range within which to run it. You may also experiment with other adverts to discover which one converts the best.

AdRotate is a useful tool for managing what appears on your website’s static ad spots.

6. AffiliateWP

The new AffiliateWP is a 180-degree turn from the previous technologies. AffiliateWP, instead of assisting you in advertising other firms’ affiliate offers, actually allows you to develop your own WordPress-based affiliate program.

The number of affiliates and real-time tracking are both limitless, as is the system’s ability to create an affiliate program.

You may give your affiliates an infinite number of creative and promotional items. Affiliates can also quickly produce tracking URLs.

If you want to promote your course, product, or service on a new platform, an affiliate marketing program is definitely worth considering. If you want to start an affiliate program on WordPress, AffiliateWP is the plugin to use.

Emma Williams

Emma Williams is a young mother of 2, having the expertise in writing about various topics of lifestyle, beauty, fashion, yoga and a lot more she has launched her own blog at thewebaddicted.com. She enjoys diving into new aspects of life, learning as much as possible from the business world, marketing, and branding. She likes sharing her thoughts and ideas to the world and helping people to get easier access to the secrets of the world.