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  • Post last modified:August 20, 2020
  • Reading time:5 mins read

A person trying to make the keto diet a part of their lifestyle is finding out ways to maintain their diet even while they are dining out in their favorite restaurants. A very important thing to remember is that when we are eating out, we are the people who are in charge. Some may find it a challenge to eat out in a restaurant or follow their diet at a party.

Often, with the change in the diet plan of a person comes the thought of hampering their social lives. But with the change in times, social lives can be maintained even without compromising on the new diet.

Be Prepared

It is very important to know and get prepared for what’s ahead. Most of the restaurants have now allowed their menus to be posted online. So, it is best to check the menu beforehand and get an idea about the food offered by the restaurant. This is one of the best ways for finding and eating out the keto restaurant guide. Another thing that can be done is to make choices before entering the restaurant. The best thing to look out on the menu is to check if the place offers a low-carb menu or not. And don’t forget to take your best keto supplements with you. These things make eating out much easier.

Remove the Temptation

One of the biggest things that are important to follow any kind of diet is to control the temptation. Keto when eating out must remove all the different items that consist of starches, such as bread, pasta, potatoes, etc. Many restaurants would provide nachos or breadsticks before one places the order. It is best to ask the waiter to replace the bread, rice, or potatoes in the meal with different vegetables.

Watch the Sauce(s)

sauce set for keto diet

One needs to watch out for the sauces used in the dishes that are being ordered to follow the keto diet. Some of the sauces used, such as Bearnaise, are super fatty. The BBQ sauce which is one of the popular sauces used in different food items contains a huge amount of unwanted sugar. Thus, one needs to choose their eating out keto options by enquiring about the sauces used in the food.

Mix and Match

Maintaining the keto eating out ideas is mainly found in the appetizers and side section dishes. This is the place where a person can find the availability of guacamole, chicken skewers, grilled shrimps, garlic sautéed rapini and brussels sprouts are only to name a few. Mixing and matching of the appetizers and the side dishes are one of the best keto lunch ideas eating out.


woman drinking tea for keto diet

While having a meal outside, it is best if one can stick to tea, coffee (Here you can find out how much women spend on coffee), water, or even sparkling water. Here you can find out how much women spend on coffee. But, if it is necessary to indulge in a drink then, one can have a maximum of one light serving of a beer, wine, champagne, or even an ounce of hard liquor. But the important thing is to restrict oneself to a maximum of only one drink.

Buffet Tricks

If one is a foodie, then the best keto foods when eating out can be savored while going for the option of the buffet. One can fill their plates as many times as they want with salads, green vegetables, fried chicken, seafood as well as steak. It is important to make the choices of the food carefully. One can also eat whipped cream along with strawberries for deserts.

About That Desert

One of the best that one could opt for while on a keto diet is a cup of coffee. The excuse that one could always use that they are too full to eat anything else. But, if one is forced to gorge on to something, then one can try a platter of cheese or go for berries and whipped cream.

Go Bunless, Eat Just the Patty

Whether eating out at a fast-food restaurant or dining in a fine one, a hamburger is always on the menu. In a keto diet, it is very important to avoid bread. So, most of the patty in a hamburger is beef, so one can go bunless or just eat the patty with a fork and knife. One can also ask for some extra lettuce.

What About Pizza

pizza for keto diet

One of the favorite meals when hanging out with friends is pizza. If everyone insists on having pizza, then maintaining the keto diet and eating out with friends can be done by ordering a pizza that is loaded with toppings and cheese. One can avoid eating the crust of the pizza.

If these things are followed while eating out, maintaining the keto diet becomes much easier. So, what are you waiting for? Get started on this keto diet already. 

Emma Williams

Emma Williams is a young mother of 2, having the expertise in writing about various topics of lifestyle, beauty, fashion, yoga and a lot more she has launched her own blog at thewebaddicted.com. She enjoys diving into new aspects of life, learning as much as possible from the business world, marketing, and branding. She likes sharing her thoughts and ideas to the world and helping people to get easier access to the secrets of the world.

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