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  • Post last modified:March 4, 2021
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Do pimples pop up on your skin from time to time? That shouldn’t worry you since acne affects almost 85% of people at least once in their lifetime. It is common in young adults caused by bacterial infection or clogging of the skin pores. While prescription acne treatment drugs are effective, the side effects can sometimes include dryness, redness, and skin irritation.

However, not all hope is lost since natural home remedies are effective. The natural solutions often work by reducing inflammation, balancing oil levels on your skin, hydrating your skin with the best hyaluronic acid, and preventing future pimple breakouts. Let us look at the popular home remedies for Acne free skin with impressive results.

Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a cure-all acid with numerous applications in fighting bacteria and fungi being one of the best home remedies for Acne free skin. However, did you know it could put an end to those pesky pimples? Research suggests that the organic acids in the apple cider vinegar are responsible for the healing properties. For instance, citric acid kills the bacteria, succinic acid reduces inflammation caused by acne breakouts, while lactic acid prevents scarring caused by pimples. Before applying, wash your skin thoroughly with warm water. Mix the apple cider vinegar with water; usually, three parts water and one part vinegar are perfect, but you can use more water if your skin is sensitive. Use a cotton ball to apply the diluted vinegar and let it settle for a few seconds before rinsing your skin.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil extract is well-known for its anti-bacterial properties, with a 2007 study finding it’s an effective treatment for mild to moderate acne. Its anti-inflammatory properties minimize redness and swelling caused by pimples on the skin. Tea tree oil is also known to have very few side effects. However, it is prudent to dilute it to reduce its potency before applying it to your face. You can add the tea tree oil to your gel or facial cream or apply it directly to the affected areas. Mix the tea tree oil with equal amounts of carrier oil to prevent irritation and dab the mixture on your pimples.

Apply Green Tea to Your Skin

Drinking green tea is beneficial, but applying it directly to your face can help fight acne. Green tea contains a high concentration of polyphenol antioxidants and tannins, which have been shown to aid in acne treatment. Antioxidants in green tea inhibit sebum production and clear waste products that build up in open acne sores. They also fight inflammation and destroy bacteria that cause pimples. While you will find a handful of skincare products with green tea, you can make yours by steeping green tea in boiling water. When the tea is cool, spritz it on your face and leave it overnight before rinsing it.

Moisturize With Aloe Vera

Moisturize With Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is a popular remedy for multiple skin conditions like psoriasis, burns, and rashes. With its natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can clear pimples on your skin and promote wound healing. Besides, aloe vera contains plenty of water to moisturize dry skin and combines well with other acne remedies that cause dry skin. After cleaning the acne sores, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel alongside other treatments, and leave it to settle before rinsing it. Aloe Vera is also among the best hep c alternative treatments. So, it’s an excellent supplement for those with Hepatitis C.

Use Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains tannins that fight bacterial infection and inhibit inflammation. It also acts as an astringent that dries and shrinks pimples on the skin while removing blemishes. To prepare the witch hazel mixture, boil a portion of witch hazel bark for 30 minutes before straining it. Apply the extract on clean skin for effective results. Using homemade witch hazel is effective since store-bought versions typically contain low amounts of tannins.

While the above best acne treatment solutions are effective, the best way to ensure your pimples do not reoccur is to take great care of your skin. Nevertheless, it is essential to talk to your dermatologist before trying natural remedies, especially if you have severe acne.

Sophia Barros

Sophia Barros is a young professional content writer, having the expertise in writing about various topics of an active and healthy lifestyle, meditation, workout, yoga, and a lot more, she has launched her own blog at thewebaddicted.com. She likes sharing her thoughts and ideas with the world and helping people to get easier access to the secret benefits of being healthy and well-motivated.