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  • Post last modified:October 14, 2021
  • Reading time:7 mins read

This article is about the best Wix referral networks. These networks are designed to help website owners and marketers get their projects done faster by utilizing the incredible power of referrals and word-of-mouth marketing. 

Referral Networks can be an excellent way for users to find new clients and gain new customers who may not know about you yet. Some of these networks offer incentives for referring others, and some allow you to share your referral’s profits with them!

OSI Affiliate Software 

OSI Affiliate Software is also known as one of the best referral marketing software on the internet. Referral marketing is a subset of affiliate marketing in which company affiliates receive commissions for referring a potential customer to another company.

Typically, the affiliate will send an email to their leads about the offer and provide links or offers that recipients can redeem. The commission is usually given for sales made by referred customers but doesn’t have to be limited in this manner. This business promotion model has been used since 1997, although it’s now heavily utilized in digital promotions through social media networks like Facebook and Twitter. Referral bonuses are often built into e-commerce sites with virtual rewards points that allow site users to get rewards from the website.


With Refersion, it is your friends and family that refer you. You need a new marketing plan and content paradigm if you want to reach people who might be less inclined to complete the process themselves.

Refersion brings awareness to the hundreds of millions of members in these communities by using popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube. The goal here is to generate more trust with potential customers because they know someone they hold in high regard would have recommended their services or products.

Savyour Affiliate Partner

Referral marketing is one of the oldest and most effective forms of online marketing. A referral product partner program like Savvyour Affiliate Partner is a way to get your audience to promote your business for you, with a program that manages the billing and credit card information.

It’s been shown that customers are prepared to spend more on products when they know other people who can vouch for them and payments. Save your Affiliate Partner provides tools such as banners, buttons, and widgets to help their referrers get more rewards. 

Post Affiliate Pro

Post Affiliate Pro is a service for online marketers that lets you sell other people’s products and services through your affiliate link.

PostAffiliatePro will rotate the names of the vendors and products you are promoting on your site regularly. You can also add bylines to each item that describes why it’s excellent, so the visitors can get to know what each product has in store for them before they click on it. 

Post Affiliates Pro would benefit every internet marketer because there are always new offers coming out. Only a handful of merchants get their hands on first – and when they do, they often have restricted capacity or higher costs per sale than what one would find with more established brands.


GrowthHero is an online platform that connects leaders, founders, and executives with highly qualified mentors who help them get the most out of their startups. They’re committed to helping their customers achieve their life-long goals, whether they are a business founder or just starting their careers.

Membership on Growth Hero allows you to choose a mentor from their community of world-class experts in different fields. Your advisor will provide unmediated support for everything you need, from coaching and counseling to technical assistance and introductions to business partners, all for one low monthly fee, delivered through an easy-to-use interface that feels like text messaging!

Sales Team


Sales Team refers customers to a company. Then the company rewards sales individuals by giving them commission or points that they can use towards future purchases with that company as consumers.

It makes perfect sense if you think about it–companies are spending a lot of time and money on marketing campaigns and customer acquisition. Yet, it is still challenging to generate new business. Meanwhile, their employees have access to an enormous network of potential customers through daily interactions at work; all they needed was some encouragement and incentive (cash) to act on their real power–their network. 

360º Referral Program Suite

360º Referral Program Suite is a suite of apps and tools that will help you create, manage, automate and track your referral programs for ultimate success in the competitive market. You can refer friends using any platform or device at any time while still receiving positive visibility for all referrals sent from those profiles.

Referral marketing programs are a great way to increase sales by empowering customers to sell more like Drum Set Lab was able to do. Customers are now introduced to new developments in an organic manner, with fewer barriers that might turn them off. They see how it’s different from what they’re used to using, usually paid to advertise. The best thing about this type of marketing is that people share their love with your company making it authentic.

Pongo Affiliate

Pongo Affiliate is a referral marketing service that helps online stores get publicity in social media, build their email list and generate more sales.

Working with big influencers on Facebook, Youtube and Instagram mean you reach their audience of millions who see your product for free without ever clicking through to a competitor’s website. And because they trust the influencer’s opinion, you effortlessly dominate their feed, getting seen by an engaged audience before they even click your links to buy.

Vwa. la 

Vwa. la is a company that provides referral marketing for Health and Beauty brands.

The average customer spends $700 when shopping at an online retailer like Amazon or Macy’s, which means the potential to earn money comes in large quantities, especially with long sales cycles. 

With Vwa. la, you can advertise your favorite brands and get rewarded for their success – without any upfront cost to you! You tell your friends about our site, they make purchases on your referral link or promotion code, and Vwa.la gives YOU a commission for that purchase. It is that easy.


ShareSomeFriends is a referral marketing site where you can use your friends, family, and fans to get customers for free.

ShareSomeFriends allows you to offer valuable incentives to referrers in exchange for spreading the word about your company. It’s an inexpensive way of building up a loyal customer base through strong interpersonal connections that have been tested by social proofing. It’s just another great way to build up our list of happy clients.

We get it; you’re a small business owner looking to grow your online presence. You want more customers and more sales for your products like Hunting Bow Lab but don’t have the time or resources for marketing your company. 

Wix has an answer for that with its referral network program, which allows businesses of any size to tap into new customer leads and referrals from other companies on their platform. 

The best part? It doesn’t cost anything! If you’re interested in tapping into this great opportunity, comment below. 

Emma Williams

Emma Williams is a young mother of 2, having the expertise in writing about various topics of lifestyle, beauty, fashion, yoga and a lot more she has launched her own blog at thewebaddicted.com. She enjoys diving into new aspects of life, learning as much as possible from the business world, marketing, and branding. She likes sharing her thoughts and ideas to the world and helping people to get easier access to the secrets of the world.