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  • Post last modified:December 3, 2020
  • Reading time:8 mins read

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The constant feeling of tiredness is known as fatigue. It is a feeling that a person is chronically exhausted, both physically and mentally.

Different factors are attributed to the cause of fatigue. Some of these are stress, workplace problems, and unhealthy lifestyle choices. In order to boost an individual’s energy, there are several things to do and various ways to go about it. However, the first step is to see a doctor or health practitioner to ensure that there are not any underlying medical conditions causing the fatigue.

Explaining Energy

Explaining Energy

When people eat, the digestive system breaks down the food, which is where people get their energy. There are elements like water that become absorbed through the stomach while the small intestine absorbs the others.

The body’s preferred energy source is glucose gotten from carbohydrates; however, amino acids from protein and fatty acids from fat are other sources of energy for the body. The bloodstream delivers glucose to all cells in the body, and it is broken down with oxygen for energy. All of these processes are controlled by hormones. For instance, insulin, which controls the blood sugar level, is produced by the pancreas.

The absence or loss of energy in the body results in fatigue and a constant feeling of tiredness. To stop this, here are particular suggestions that the person can try out.

Dietary Suggestions

Since food is the primary energy source in the body, anyone who wants more energy in their body has to look at their diet. Here are some basic guidelines that they can follow:

  • Hydration: it is essential to drink plenty of water regularly, which helps the body function properly. The body will be less efficient in its operations if it’s dehydrated.
  • Watch out for caffeine: taking one caffeinated drink or two every day like cola, coffee, or tea can increase a person’s mental alertness and energy. However, taking up to 6 of these caffeinated drinks every day can lead to anxiousness, increase a person’s irritability, and negatively affect their performance.
  • Don’t skip breakfast: the metabolism of food gives us the energy that we work on. In order to run efficiently, the brain requires glucose as fuel. This makes breakfast essential. And not just any breakfast. Make sure it is carbohydrate-rich foods like whole-grain bread or cereals.
  • Don’t skip any meals: the body can’t run without food, especially for a long period. This is because the sugar level in the blood starts to drop. Regular eating helps to maintain an adequate level of energy throughout the day.
  • Don’t crash diet: diets with very low calories or diets severely restricting carbohydrates lack sufficient energy that the body needs. Crash diets also lack other essential nutrients that the body needs, such as minerals, vitamins, and trace elements.
  • Take a healthy diet: ideally, a good diet should contain vegetables, fruits, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, and whole-grain foods. These are components of a human diet that a person should increase while also cutting down on high salt, high sugar, and high-fat foods.
  • Stop overeating: an individual can lose their energy to large meals. Rather than eating big meals three times a day, it is better to eat six mini-meals. This helps to spread the intake of calories more evenly. The result of this is constant insulin and blood sugar levels. It’s also easier to lose the excess fat in the body this way.
  • Take foods rich in iron: iron deficiency (anemia) is more frequent among women. So it is essential to eat foods rich in iron, like lean red meat.

Sleep Suggestions

Sleep Suggestions

Another common reason people become fatigued is that they are not getting enough sleep, or sleep quality is low. To improve this and help deal with fatigue, here are some suggestions from professional essay writers to consider:

  • Sleep well enough and long enough: the adult human requires up to 8 hours of night sleep. Anything less than this is not enough.
  • Limit caffeine intake: taking excessive caffeine can lead to insomnia, especially if it’s taken regularly in the evenings. The amount of caffeinated drinks that a person takes has to be limited to at most 5 per day. Ideally, it should be fewer than that. Also, taking these drinks after dinner is not recommended or advisable.
  • Relax well: learning to relax is a necessary skill. Fretting in bed is one of the causes of insomnia. Everyone should try out different relaxation techniques until they find the one(s) most suited or that works best for them. Examples are repeating a phrase or mantra silently or focusing on breathing.
  • Don’t take sleeping pills: Taking sleeping pills can become counterproductive. They are only short term remedies. They can’t address the leading cause of insomnia, so they can’t work long term.
  • Stop watching TV or exposing yourself to other sources of blue light while in bed.

Lifestyle Suggestions

Some habits can contribute in different ways to the feeling of fatigue in the body. This is why a person’s lifestyle is vital to their overall health. Here are a few lifestyle suggestions to help out:

  • Don’t smoke: the smoke from cigarettes has many substances in it that are harmful to the human body. This is one reason why smokers mostly have lower levels of energy than other people who don’t smoke. For instance, the body needs to create energy by combining oxygen and glucose; however, carbon monoxide reduces the body’s oxygen from cigarette smoke. This means less oxygen to combine with glucose and invariably, less energy.
  • Reduce the time spent sitting down: sedentary behaviors such as using computers and watching television can lead to fatigue. Reduce them.
  • Do more physical activity: physical activities are known to increase energy levels in the body, unlike sedentary behaviors that cause fatigue. There are a lot of health benefits that living a physically active lifestyle has to the mind and body. It helps maintain a good weight, reduced blood pressure, and is effective against anxiety and depression. Taking time out to exercise the body also leads to a better night’s sleep.
  • Seek advice: if a person hasn’t been living a physically active lifestyle, no exercises, obese, above 40, and dealing with a chronic health condition, they need to seek out their health practitioner for advice on little steps that they can start to take toward changing heir lifestyle and being more physically active.
  • Seek help in case of substance abuse: excessive recreational drugs or alcohol consumption has potential dangers and can contribute to fatigue.
  • Workplace problems: burnout from work, work conflict, and demanding jobs have a high tendency of leading to fatigue. Workers should take active steps to address issues like this. They can walk up to their human resources manager and talk to them about it for a start.

Psychological Suggestions

While there are many possible causes for fatigue, a lot of them are caused by psychological factors. Some suggestions for this are:

  • Check your lifestyle: humans tend to put themselves under stress unnecessarily often, which results in fatigue. It is also possible that there are different problems in people’s lives that might be serious enough or have lasted long enough to cause them anxiety and depression. This also leads to fatigue. It’s essential to seek professional help to deal with issues related to work, family, career, and other personal problems.
  • Relaxation technique training: a significant cause of burnout is constant anxiety, which drains energy from the body. Practicing relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or prayer can help switch off the adrenaline and allow the mind and body to recover.
  • Learn to rest and do nothing: it is quite exhausting to live a hectic lifestyle. So it’s good to make out a few hours within the week to hang out and relax the body. This is good for your health. If it’s impossible to carve out a few more hours of rest in a week, then people have to start rethinking their commitments and priorities.
  • Have more fun: it’s possible to be very preoccupied with pressures and commitments, not even to have time for one’s self to have some fun. However, those fun times are essential and healthy too. Good laughter can also help to boost your energy.

How to Cope With Energy Slump in the Afternoon

Cope With Energy Slump in the Afternoon

Many people become drowsy after they take their lunch. The fall in energy levels in the afternoon has to do with the brain’s circadian rhythm, which is “hard-wired” in the body. It may not be possible to prevent this energy drop. But reducing the slump is possible by:

  • Introducing strategies to fight fatigue such as resting well, keeping fit, and healthy.
  • Combining carbohydrates and proteins in meals like taking tuna sandwiches at lunch. Carbohydrates give energy through glucose, while protein provides amino acid tyrosine that the brain needs to synthesize dopamine and norepinephrine neurotransmitters to keep the mind alert and attentive.
  • Taking a walk for 10 minutes or stretching at the desk can increase blood flow and boost energy. 


There are many causes of fatigue and energy slump in the body. However, there are different ways to deal with this. Living a more healthy lifestyle generally, coupled with a good diet and food habit, sleeping habit, and other psychological ideas can help to boost energy levels in the body and prevent fatigue. 


Emma Williams

Emma Williams is a young mother of 2, having the expertise in writing about various topics of lifestyle, beauty, fashion, yoga and a lot more she has launched her own blog at thewebaddicted.com. She enjoys diving into new aspects of life, learning as much as possible from the business world, marketing, and branding. She likes sharing her thoughts and ideas to the world and helping people to get easier access to the secrets of the world.